2-4 July 2010, Mavrovo, Macedonia
34 Fellows, participants of the
Fellowship Programme for young government officials from the Western Balkans – Supporting Excellence and Leadership in Governance, gathered for the first time at
Joint Alumni Training in
Mavrovo, Macedonia, 2-4 July 2010.
Alumni members participated in a one day real life simulation business game of typical working environment challenges fostering the sharing of knowledge and exchange of experience between
EFB Fellows -
EFB Alumni Members. Alumni Members had a chance to work together and experience different negotiation settings, volatile environments, scarce and reallocated resources, changes in political agendas and internal conflicts. All Fellows demonstrated their distinguished leadership, communication and cooperation skills and expressed the real team spirit.
Fellows created an amazing and productive joint fellowship atmosphere which continued even after the training time. The Training was followed by the joint visit of attractive Bistra Mountain where the Fellows all together symbolically reached the pick. In the evening there was organized the farewell barbeque where the Alumni members received their certificates of attendance in the Training.
Joint Alumni Training gathered all Fellows in an amazing experience of team work, which we will all remember as a special experience. The results of this Joint meeting will serve as a strong foundation for sustainable Fellow’s Network in the Western Balkans, part of the overall
EFB Alumni Network.