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Empowering citizens' engagement

Empowering citizens' engagement:

Regional call for Investigative Journalists in the Western Balkans

The European Fund for the Balkans is calling on investigative journalists from the Western Balkans to apply for research grants. Within the

Public spaces regional meeting in Belgrade, June 11-14, 2024

Public spaces was the focus of our Engaged Democracy Initiative regional gathering in Belgrade from June 11-14, 2024. By bringing together

Trees of Friendship in 9 cities of the region

This year’s 4th edition of our regional Trees of Friendship initiative was a proof that the joint efforts of all our partners involved in the

Forth edition of our regional initiative Trees of Friendship

20 November is reserved for the fourth edition of our regional initative "Trees of Friendship". In this year' planting action 450 trees will be

Wrap up of the Engaged Balkans Initiative Convention vol.2 in Pristina

The second Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower! was organised in Pristina on May 17-20, 2023. The regional format gathered around

“Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower!” Vol.2 in Pristina, May 17-20, 2023

The second edition of the “Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower!” will be organised from May 17 to 20, 2023 in

Promotion of the Digital Majority Project, Novi Sad, March 6th, 2023

The presentation of the program of free workshops that will enable the citizens to actively create content on the largest digital platform of

Trees of Friendship Vol.3 joint video

We are happy to share the video mosaic of the coordinated tree planting actions in some of the most polluted cities in the #WesternBalkans - Bor,

Third edition of our regional initiative Trees of Friendship

We have launched the third edition of our regional initiative "Trees of Friendship" which is implemented in cooperation with our local partners in all the countries of the region. 

Panel: SLAPP lawsuits, intimidation and threats: A slap in the face of engaged citizens?, Pristina, Nov.14

Within our Engaged Democracy Initiative, the European Fund for the Balkans and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe

EDI study visit to Brussels, October 10-13, 2022

The study visit to Brussels of engaged individuals and representative of civil society organisations from the Western Balkans took place between

EDI panel at the Serbian Political Science Association Annual International Conference 2022, Sept. 25th

As part of the activities in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) a panel discussion is being organised as a special event in the frames of the of the Serbian Political Science Association Annual International Conference 2022 - Social Justice in Post-Communist Societies, which is taking place in Belgrade on September 24 and 25, 2022. 

Thematic meeting of the “Public Space” working group in Skopje

The meeting of the Public Space thematic group was held in Skopje on the 7th of July. Sara Nikolic from the Institute for philosophy and social theory and Iva Cukic from the Ministry of space presented their contextual paper on contention for public spaces.

EDI regional thematic meeting “Decent work as a necessity “in Belgrade

The regional thematic meeting “Decent work as a necessity” in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative took place in Belgrade on the 12th of May. 

Publication: Green Agenda Explained

The wrap up of our regional Balkans United for Clean Air campaign is all about taking a closer look to the importance of the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans , as a prerequisite for securing the different aspects of successful dealing with the consequences of the climate change.

EDI thematic meeting “Green activism and eco protests: Changing the reality, challenging the usual political. Shaping common actions for the future”

The second regional thematic meeting in the frames of the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) “Green activism and eco protests: Changing the

In the Western Balkans we live in a poisonous cloud

Emissions of pollutants from large power plants in most Western Balkan countries exceed the prescribed limit values, and coal‐fired power plants, according to the latest data, emit more sulfur dioxide than all such plants in the EU combined.

Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens, Tirana, 21-23 March 2022

The first thematic meeting in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI)“Engaged media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens“ was held in Tirana on March 21-23,2022.

Engaged Media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens

The first in-person regional meeting “Engaged Media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens’’ in

Laying all cards about air quality on the table

Despite significant advancements that took place since the establishment of air quality monitoring stations and public information systems in the region's states, the quality and amount of data have yet to reach satisfactory levels, and the official results need to be much more publicly available and clear.

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