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beeEFB Alumni Network News

beeEFB Alumni Network News :

beeEFB Alumni Network Annual Event in Tirana, Albania

January 27-30, 2022 - This year's Annual Event in Tirana was an opportunity for creating new links, but also a reminder of the willingness and

BeeEFB Digest January - 2022

Dear Community Members, Since this is the first beeEFB Digest in 2022, we would like to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022! We truly believe that this

BeeEFB Digest November - 2021

Dear Community Members, Welcome to the beeEFB monthly digest! We are happy to report that alumni bees were hard at working during

Take a look at the beeEFB October Digest

The EFB Alumnni Network is up and running, so the newsletters will become a common practice. In this October issue the focus is on 2 topics

beeEFB joint initiatives - Call for proposals 2021

The European Fund for the Balkans is a joint initiative of European foundations (Erste Foundation, Robert Bosch Foundation and King Baudouin Foundation) that envisions, runs and supports programmes aimed at strengthening democracy, fostering European integration and affirming the role of the Western Balkans in addressing Europe’s emerging challenges.


EFB Alumni Network (beeEFB), was branded and established under the new framework in the first half of 2021, is represented by its Assembly and Board members, and agreed on key strategic goals and outcomes it wants to contribute to through its activities.

BeeEFB DIGEST August 2021

Dear Community Members, Since we are slowly approaching the finalization of our core documents of the EFB Alumni Network, which has been a very

Meet the Members of the EFB Alumni Network Assembly

The selection of the members of the governing bodies of the EFB Alumni Network has been completed. We are presenting the selected EFB Alumni

Presenting the selected members of the Board of the EFB Alumni Network

During the last month the representatives of the EFB and the Alumni Network Initiators held a series of motivating conversations with the EFB community members who applied and met the criteria for Board members.

EFB Community is officially becoming a EFB Alumni Network in 2021

In 2021, EFB Community will formalize its work by establishing the EFB Alumni Network. The Network will bring together members of the EFB programs and initiatives with an aim to connect the network members with common interests but different backgrounds and to foster cross-sectoral exchange and international collaborations.

Online Conference - Reloading the EFB Community 25/09/2020

The EFB Community from the Western Balkans and EU will gather for the online conference "Reloading the EFB Community" that is scheduled for September

Hiding Memory, Hiding Responsibility

Jelena Krstic, Programme Development at Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Serbia EFB Fellow, Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies,

My working Roman Holiday

Author: Maja Konstantinovic – EFB Fellow, Fellowship Programme for Government Officials from the Western Balkans 2017/2018 Independent Adviser,

A professional adventure and a remarkable opportunity for bringing a positive impact back home

Author: Maja Zlatkovic Independent Advisor at the Ombudsman Office of Republic of Serbia EFB Fellow- Fellowship Programme for Government Officials

My Incredibile EFB Experience

  Viktorija Mitevska - Fellowship Programme for Government Officials from the Western Balkans 2017/2018 EFB Fellow and Junior

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+381 (0)11 32 39 877

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